The Down 2 Train Foundation

Raise Your
Helping Hand

Thriving Together

By creating and inclusive and equitable communities where people with disabilities can thrive.

Physical Fitness

By supporting the mental, physical, and spiritual lives of disabled community members by creating positive habits, rituals, and ??? associated with physical fitness.

Increase Self Confidence

By Improving communication and interpersonal skills, increase and discover self identity and increase self confidence.

Fitness and Training

We empower the disabled community members through fitness and training.

Kyle's Story

Kyle was born premature with a congenital heart defect that left multiple holes in his heart.

Kyle was 6 weeks old and only weighed 6.5 pounds when he left the hospital. Although he required emergency open heart surgery, he was too small and weak to survive.

As you can imagine, his chances were slim. Being born with Down Syndrome and his lifelong heart defects, Kyle has been beating the odds and inspiring people since 10 months old. The six inch scar on his chest is a reminder of how lucky we are.

At 7, Kyle began to train in the basement with his mom Kimberly Murphy. Kimberly is a successful entrepreneur and co-founder of Down 2 Train.

Throughout his life, we noticed something that did not sit well with us. In every swimming, karate, and dance class Kyle was the only one with a disability. Our goal is to change this. We aspire to one day have a global impact by providing gym memberships and personal training sessions for community members with disabilities.

Down 2 Train is a registered non-profit organization governed by a board of directors. The board is responsible for ensuring that Down 2 Train is always working towards the mission statement.
Years of Fundation
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Monthly Donate
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Global Partners
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Project Complete
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Kyle sitting with Ronnie Coleman.

Down 2 Train Mission Statement

To empower people with disabilities by creating an inclusive and equitable environment in which disabled members can thrive. We want to create an equal opportunity for members in physical fitness, recreation, and friendship.
Kyle doing a posing routine at the NPC Pittsburgh

Down 2 Train Vision Statement

To teach positive habits, rituals, and routines associated with physical fitness while improving the mental and spiritual health of community members.
Kyle Landi & the Down 2 Train Foundation

Why Donate To Us?

We’re A Much Trusted Charity Fundation

Give Right Place

The opportunities around you to shape you, sharpen your gifts, and prepare you to do.

Save Money & Helath

Giving up unhealthy habits such as smoking, drinking sugary soft drinks, or drinking alcohol.

Organization & Programs

A collection of organizational resources that are geared to accomplish a goals.


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